Where did the love go?

Where did the love go?

Everything was fine. Boy meets girl. The Girl falls head over heels and madly in love with the boy. As time passes, neither of them can bear the thought of living the rest of their lives without the other.

Realizing this, they decide that it is time to declare their love for each other before God and their loved ones. To the Boyfriend he is nervous, but when he looks into his eyes he realizes that he is delighted at the thought of joining the person he loves. The beautiful bride is literally floating on cloud nine, in fact, at this point in her young lives, they are as happy as they could be. At least until the honeymoon is over. One of the greatest realizations in our lives is when we begin to realize that people are not always what they appear to be on the surface. Most newlyweds are surprised to realize this after their initial honeymoon experience. You see that at some point in their relationship there was a prayer made by both or by one of these individuals.

The sentence went something like this: “Oh, God, if I could just get married…” She now, disgusted, realizes that she constantly leaves the toilet seat in its upright position and beard hairs in the sink. He begins to notice a pattern, at certain times of the month she begins to act a little “funny”. Annoying tendencies and friction now eat away at the love they once had for each other. Now the sentence changes to “Oh, God, if only… if only I could be single again.” What happened? Where did the love go? Fear sets in. Neither of them has committed a crime. In fact, many newlyweds would take comfort in knowing that this type of situation is perfectly normal in any marriage.

It can be used as a learning experience to deepen your love for each other, as long as you both make a conscious decision to selflessly love each other. Love is one of the most powerful forces on earth, if not the most powerful. The lesson to be learned here is that love is a choice and not a mere feeling that makes one abandon another. It is inevitable that the pain will come. Entering a marriage with the notion that it will require little or no work is living a lie. This type of marriage is destined to fail before it has even begun.

Abandonment or divorce with the exception of physical or domestic abuse is never an option. Not the one who is engaged and has really felt the vows they said on that special day. Constantly reminding us for better or worse, to be richer or poorer, in sickness or in good health. Our sacred vows of love to that person mean that I will never leave you or forsake you, no matter how hard it gets. Despite all your flaws, failures and complexes, I choose to love you. This is true love and commitment. Perhaps if more people were willing to change their perspective on love, commitment, and marriage, there would be fewer broken hearts and broken homes in our country.

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