What is the difference between resistance training and CV and which is better for my weight loss?

What is the difference between resistance training and CV and which is better for my weight loss?

Gyms have often been divided into 2 distinct groups of users: those who run/push/row and those who lift weights. More specifically, the Aerobics group and the Anaerobics Group. Aerobic training is exercising (most likely on a treadmill or similar equipment, playing a sport, or running outside) with the presence and requirement of oxygen. Oxygen fuels the body through the heart and lungs and breathing. Muscles are taxed to a less intense degree. Anaerobic exercises (most likely with weights or explosive force sports such as sprinting or running) are exercises without the immediate presence or requirement of oxygen and the muscles are used more intensely through the use of muscle energy (glycogen) and more under the microscope, chemistry ATP and CP energy sources.

After that quick science lesson, what’s the best way to train to reach your goals? I am going to suggest that, in most cases, anaerobic training will be a vital component to successful weight loss and toning. It is also absolutely essential for muscle building and strength training. Only when a client comes to me wanting to train for a marathon or triathlon do I prescribe aerobics (CV) and even then I would include a small amount of anaerobic training to ensure joint strength, stability and postural correction.

Let’s be clear, though, that using cardiovascular (CV) equipment isn’t always aerobic, and using weights isn’t always anaerobic. Cardio done in the form of intense intervals stimulates the muscles, and weight training done in the form of a circuit, possibly with more repetitions, exercises the respiratory system and is excellent for endurance and fitness. I hope it’s not confusing!

So why does anaerobic training work well for toning up and losing weight (read FAT)? You may have always thought that walking on a treadmill, climbing, or running 5 miles in the morning is the single best way to lose weight. Well, cardio training done in a relatively long steady state burns calories, but it doesn’t boost metabolism for as long as anaerobic training does. This is because the body has to go through long, calorie-consuming recovery processes after, say, an hour of weight training. Anaerobic training burns calories during AND after the workout! Long-distance CV can also be stressful on the body due to the number of repetitions performed (thousands of steps!) – this can also cause a reduction in lean muscle tissue, something that is also vital for fast metabolism, loss Effective weight loss and staying toned

So ignore the cardio “fat burning zone” myths and ditch that low intensity run for some weight training!

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