Tips for camping with just one ATV

Tips for camping with just one ATV

There is nothing more peaceful than sitting around a campfire enjoying a night under the stars or snuggling up in a tent telling ghost stories. However, some of the most beautiful camping spots are only accessible by ATV. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, preparing and packing for an ATV camping trip can be overwhelming. It is not just the destination that counts, it is also the team that chooses to drink (or not to drink). Here are some tips for having an amazing camping trip with only what will fit on your ATV.

1. Plan ahead

Camping with an ATV can present a few more problems than a normal camping trip. Because of this, it is important to plan a little more extensively. Keep a map on hand so you can easily tell where you are going and to help you get back to normal in case you get lost. As you would have your car or SUV inspected before a long road trip, you should do the same for your ATV. And with any planned vacation, always have a backup plan. No matter how hard you try to prepare, things happen!

2. Smart package:

Carrying only your ATV means that you will need to pack only essential items. Prioritizing your packing list will make carrying a limited amount of equipment and supplies much easier. So what are the must-have items for an ATV camping trip?

  • Safe equipment

  • Sleeping bag

  • Tent

  • Clothing

  • Climate specific equipment

  • Meal

  • Kitchen equipment

  • Instruments

3. Top shelf rack for ATV:

The top shelf can carry anything from boats to lumber to camping gear. With all its accessories, you can go anywhere, do anything and take what you want with you. It’s ideal for hauling lumber and supplies around your farm, taking your camping gear to the top of the mountain, hauling kayaks from hard-to-reach river banks, or whatever else you can think of. Add-ons allow you to turn your ATV into a hunting blind, barbed wire winder or arm wench. All of this can be done while carrying your weapon, bow or shovel with the secure holder.

4. Simple meal package:

Bring simple foods that can be easily cooked on a fire or that require no cooking or refrigeration, such as freeze-dried meals, instant oatmeal, granola bars, and canned goods. All of these produce nothing to clean up after and all cook quickly with boiling water.

5. Focus on beauty:

There will be times when you will lose the comforts of your usual camping gear, but ignore the inconveniences and focus on the beauty of the landscape. To fully understand and embrace your surroundings, take some time to get off your ATV and explore on foot.

Gathering a group on a camping trip with just an ATV can help create lasting memories. Done right they can be a great adventure and can become your favorite camping style after a few practice runs. Above all, when you go camping, be aware of your surroundings and be safe.

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