Inspirational Quotes – Why Should You Read Them?

Inspirational Quotes – Why Should You Read Them?

What are inspirational quotes? If you take a moment to look at it, the quotes are just words spoken or written by someone else. Those that really resonate often contain a truth or piece of wisdom that inspires or moves us. Quotes can come from famous people, anonymous people, friends, colleagues, or members of your family.

Inspirational stories and movies can show us what is possible in our lives. They can remind us of the capacity and potential we have as human beings. Inspirational quotes can do the same but in less time. While it may take just seconds to read a quote, some may stick with you for days, if not years.

Here are three ways you can use inspirational quotes in your life:

1. Inspire and motivate

We all have days off when we wonder if things will work out. If you need to be encouraged or reminded of your potential, read a quote. You will likely find that the words were just what you needed at the time.

You can also use a quote in your classroom or workplace to inspire and motivate others. You can post your favorite daily quote in a newsletter or whiteboard, tweet it to your employees, or discuss it.

2. To solve a challenge

Think of a challenge you are facing. Then go to your favorite collection of quotes. If it is a print version, open a page that seems appropriate to you, close your eyes, and point to a quote with your finger. If you are online, just move your cursor down and stop when you feel good.

Whatever quote your cursor or finger points to can provide a hint or insight into your challenge. Give the quote a try and see if it resonates as a possible solution to your challenge or if it spawns some ideas for solutions.

3. Self-development

Choose a quote that embodies a quality that you want to integrate into your life. Read the quote and think or journal about how you might live this quote in your life. Consider what your life might be like if you were living this date. Read the quote every day and take daily actions that align your life with the message of the quote. Keep track of the results and fortuitous surprises in your life.

Start your own quote collection. Every time you read or hear a quote that really seems true to you, write it down. You never know when those quotes will come in handy.

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