How a downloadable transcript can increase your interview acceptance rate

How a downloadable transcript can increase your interview acceptance rate

I think by telling people that they will have the opportunity to download the transcript after the interview, more people will opt in. Especially about a subscriber who only has the option to listen live. Let me give you an example. I’m taking Alex’s Teleseminar Secrets program, and I know what I’ve done in my marketing. I market prerecorded audio interviews.

I did my own teleseminar event, a live teleseminar. Now, I didn’t promote this so hard. I sent two emails to my list, one announcing that I’m doing an upcoming teleseminar on how to make more money with your audio interviews. Then, I did another email after that that just mentioned a PS. I didn’t mention the time of when it was going to be, but I did say it would be live.

Once I decided on a time, in an email from PS I said, “Look for my next email, and I’ll be announcing the time of the live interview on how to make more money with audio interviews.”

Then I sent one more email that revealed the time and date of the actual teleseminar, the live one we’re on right now. So, I’m only sorry twice.

Now, in all those emails, I thought it was very important to mention that if you can’t make the call, and I mention this, if you can’t make the call, you’ll be able to download the recordings. You’ll be able to play it on a repeat line and I’ll have the full transcripts.

So I gave them a choice. If you can’t make the call, I’ll have you available, which is pretty consistent with all the interviews I have on my site. It matches my list. There was no real pressure to get someone to come to the live event to listen.

Now, I promoted Alex’s teleseminar, and the way I promoted it, I sent out six different emails promoting this live teleseminar. It was a promotional call for his teleseminar secrets and I sent six different emails. I sit one out an hour before the call. I really wanted to try this out and put it to the test.

I mentioned in all those emails, it will only be live. I will not post this on my site again. I don’t have it on my site. Only people who signed up and registered can access the replay. If you did not register and register your first name, last name and your email address, you would not have access.

The only way you could hear it was live, and every time you sent an email to your list. Let’s say you have 10,000 people on your list. Let’s say you add 1,000 people to your list. If you have a pretty good reputation, you send out a thousand emails and you might have about 200 to open the email.

Then out of those 200 you can have a certain number of people who will do what you ask them to do. It might end up being one or two percent, but you can send that same email a week later and get another one or two percent, or another 200 people to open your email.

Then you can send it out at a different time on a different day, and you can have another 200 out of a thousand people open it. So every time you send an email, you’ll be taken to a different section of your list, increasing your chances of sending someone to an interview you have, or getting them to sign up for a free interview. teleseminar event.

I think after studying Alex’s stuff, there’s definitely power in listening just because it makes people come because they don’t want to miss it. I think they come because they just don’t want to miss it.

My thing is that I would like to bring the content to the head of that potential prospect. I don’t want anything to get in the way. People don’t like to be told what to do. I mean, “I’m going to have a teleseminar. It’s going to be live. If you want to be on my live call, great. This is the time.”

I didn’t promote it much because I only had 96 people on the line, but I always said you’d get a repeat no matter what. I bet a lot of people will be listening to this replay after it’s over.

It will be more convenient for me to deliver this recorded teleseminar to someone on their own terms, and they can download it. They can play it over the phone line. You can listen to it on YouTube. I’m going to give you all the different methods that I market with my audio interviews as a way to listen to this.

So when you say to offer the transcripts as a bonus for signing up, I think that would help you. I offer everything no matter what, but I think that makes it effective. There are people who will just offer the live listening event or sell the transcripts for ten bucks. So if they sign up for the live event and there’s a ten dollar upsell, you can get the transcripts and then they can do an additional upsell of the transcripts in a three-ring binder with a CD. So there are also ways to sell that information.

I’m looking for the big picture. I don’t want anything to get in the way of the message. I want to be able to sell the high end service, like my audio interview service, where I charge people to do an interview and be able to edit and update the interview with all the different methods and ways that I market my audio interviews, do it all for them.

I’d rather have the opportunity to make a sale like that than make a ten dollar sale on a few transcripts, and not have the potential to get my message and all my sales message inside your head.

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