Gratitude Runner – Mouth

Gratitude Runner – Mouth

As a runner, have you ever thought about how important your mouth is to running?

  • Your mouth allows you to take in big gulps of air when you’ve been stressed to the point that you can’t breathe properly through your nose.
  • Your mouth produces the saliva that starts the digestive process of the sports drinks and energy foods you consume while running on the road or trail.
  • Your mouth allows you to savor the flavors of the food and drinks you consume before, during and after your runs.
  • Your mouth allows you to consume cold beverages that can cool your core body temperature enough to help you avoid heat-related illness, or help you recover from heat-related illness when you haven’t been careful about the ambient temperature. , humidity, clothing and hydration.
  • Your mouth can sometimes tell you, as with a metallic taste, when something is wrong with your body.
  • Your mouth can use delicious flavor detection to help distract you from aches and pains on the road or trail.

So when you think about it, your mouth serves you for running in so many valuable ways!

Regularly appreciating your own body parts is essential to turning the Law of Attraction in your favor when it comes to your overall health. For example, regularly appreciating your mouth probably means that you don’t abuse your mouth with life-threatening insults, such as chewing tobacco, or with milder insults, such as excessive consumption of extremely spicy foods. Of course, you, in particular, may not consume chewing tobacco or extremely spicy foods, but you get the idea, which is that you will normally appreciate more in the future than you regularly do in the present, because you tend to take better care of yourself than you do. that you appreciate regularly!

Regular appreciation of your mouth is as simple as making a list of statements of gratitude for your mouth in front of your career and then reading each of those statements daily or weekly, pausing to feel the positive feelings associated with each statement.

Making your gratitude list can be as easy as turning your main list into gratitude statements. Here are two conversions to get you started:

  • I’m really grateful that my mouth allows me to take big breaths when I’ve been stressed to the point where I can’t breathe properly through my nose.
  • I love that my mouth produces the saliva that kickstarts the digestive process of the sports drinks and energy foods I consume while running on the road or trail.

Exercise: Expand this list by converting the other statements and writing even more gratitude statements for your mouth.

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