Early and late potty training

Early and late potty training

Many doctors and psychologists will tell you that you do not want to teach your child to go to the bathroom early. They think it is not conducive to helping the child when it comes to early potty training. In fact, they feel that potty training early takes longer than potty training later in the game.

In other words, what they mean is that a toilet-trained child at the age of four could take one day to do so, while a toilet-trained child at three years of age could take three days to do so. and so on.

Now, I don’t know how true these numbers are or what their statistics are, but let’s look at the real facts versus how many days it takes to potty train.

Let’s say that at age four it takes you two days to potty train your child instead of three years it takes you ten days to potty train your child, which is an extreme difference. Psychologists will lead you to believe that it is better to potty train your child at age four because it requires less work. Well, as a parent, wouldn’t ten more days a year make more sense to you than waiting a year to save three days of work?

Psychologists do not understand the work involved in having to change diapers and underwear and clean dirty clothes on a daily basis.

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather spend 15 days at the age of 2 and learn to go to the toilet than wait 2 years and spend 3 days at the age of 4.

Now when you mention early potty training, most people are really thinking about starting potty learning a year or so sooner. Some cultures begin potty training at six weeks.

In my opinion, it is not a bad idea to introduce your child to the potty as soon as possible, even if it is six or seven months, don’t be afraid to introduce the potty to your child.

Now, that doesn’t mean taking your child and telling him that he has to go to the bathroom inside the toilet, but rather you are saying that you should let him sit on the potty so that he gets used to being on the toilet.

What this does is, when you’re ready to start potty training, you’ll essentially be able to get rid of the resistance your child will have to potty training. See, the problem most parents have with potty training is that they are putting too many variables into the equation. Variable one is the toilet or urinal. Variable two is no diapers. Variable three is potty training. Therefore, there are many things that you are asking the child to do at once.

What you want to do is start a little earlier. Start by introducing your child to the potty so he can sit up, even for five minutes several times a day. Just sit on the potty so they get used to it.

This sets the stage for when your expectations are for them to relieve themselves on the toilet. There will be less resistance that others will go through.

So in my opinion, potty training early is not something you do, but early introduction to potty training or potty training is a very good step to take.

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