Cleaning Maple Kitchen Cabinets

Cleaning Maple Kitchen Cabinets

Ready to Assemble Cabinets of any texture require maintenance to keep them working for many years. If cabinets are not cleaned at regular intervals, they can lose the shine and glaze found on wood cabinets. People forgo small maintenance costs but forget the full amount of renovation if these kitchen room cabinets lose their charm.

Once you’ve designed your kitchen, the task doesn’t end there. You must maintain the cleanliness and repair of the cabinets. Maintenance is like regular fuel added to the cabinet vehicle for efficient functional driving. It is not something to be scared of, although it is profitable, since with small modifications they can be kept as new kitchen furniture. Manufacturers make durable but cheap cabinets. But this will be true only if the owner follows the basic tips for care.

Nothing can stop dust, creatures like termites, moisture from entering and penetrating the cabinet. Maintenance includes repainting, repairing, and cleaning cabinets. Although to avoid such instances of spoilage, precautions should be taken such as:


Cleaning cabinets regularly with basic water on a soft cloth will at least prevent dust from settling permanently.

Using various aerosol solvents will prevent particles and crawling creatures from degrading the quality of the cabinets. If you have traditional kitchen cabinets, then cleaning the ceiling and cabinets is also crucial. Therefore, always start cleaning cabinets from the top and do not just clean the visible surface. Steel and gold knobs should be cleaned daily.

Using small amounts of vinegar drops to clean hardwood cabinets like oak kitchen cabinets and maple kitchen cabinets will help veneer siding last longer.

If the cabinets look dull and warped, then without replacing them, you can first clean them with liquid gold or lemon oil before moving on to the urethane process. If this doesn’t work, your cabinets are probably really broken.

Clean aluminum kitchen cabinets with slightly warm water and detergent.

Avoid using harsh cleaning agents for wood cabinets as special aids and get help from online vendors like The RTA store Inc. who guide you through every step of kitchen design and even maintenance with amazing customer satisfaction services. user.


Clean spill or stain on cabinet surface immediately, before it becomes a permanent stain.

Be sure to close drawers and cabinet doors properly after use.

Don’t often use a damp cloth to clean as it will quickly affect cheap laminate cabinets. The lamination will be removed soon.

Avoid paste wax and polishes that contain silicone. Wax is difficult to remove and dust accumulates easily.

Important note:

Liquid gold and lemon oil are effective in cleaning the oiled surface. Its use will help retain the oil finish lamination. For non-oily surfaces, it will only collect the dirt since you have placed the dust collector on the surface of the DIY kitchen cabinets.

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