Annihilate belly fat: the role of water

Annihilate belly fat: the role of water

ABOUT THE LAST FEW months I have lost about 30 pounds, most of it was belly fat. And drinking water was one of several solutions to my obesity problem. I would like to share what I have learned about water intake and its role in reducing obesity and killing belly fat.

Symptoms of water deficiency

There are several symptoms of water deficiency. Of course, there can be other causes, and often multiple causes, but these are some that I have experienced before starting to monitor my water intake. I had all of the following symptoms at one time or another: rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, muscle cramps, chapped lips, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, low back pain, headaches, obesity, and BELLY FAT. I also experienced dry skin, mouth, eyes, and hair. Since I monitored my H2O intake, all of these conditions improved or disappeared.

Other symptoms that may indicate water deficiency include varicose veins, chronic fatigue, depression, neck pain, allergies, asthma, and dehydration. Digestive problems can also occur. These can include chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, colitis, and urinary problems.

The body needs water

The human body is made up of up to 65 percent water. That’s 10 to 12 gallons for the average adult and he can’t survive more than three to four days without water consumption. Water accomplishes the following:

Protect your organs from injury.

Water helps flush toxins and waste from your system.

Cushions your joints

Temperature controls

And water carries nutrients from food to cells.

Water and obesity

It is an important lifelong skill to have the ability to distinguish between hunger and thirst. Often times when we think we are hungry, it is simply thirsty. So when you seem hungry, just have a glass of water first. It is also important to consume adequate levels of fiber. In doing so, you need to increase your water intake to prevent constipation. Finally, we come across toxins throughout the day. Those harmful toxins are stored in belly fat, and when those cells release energy into the blood, toxins are released as well. Our systems can function properly when we have enough water to carry those toxins through our blood, kidneys, and out of our bodies.

Valuable tips

Adequate water intake is roughly equivalent to half your body weight in ounces. That is, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink about 100 ounces of water a day. The best time to start is first thing in the morning. You should start your day by drinking 16 ounces of cool, refreshing water. The water should reflect the importance in your life. Therefore, you should drink another 16 ounces of water before each meal or snack, and then again before bed.

Drink water instead of soda, soda, soda, coffee, and alcohol. Bring a bottle of water so you can measure your water intake. Bring bottled water with you when you travel, and finally, if you are hungry … drink water first. And along with proper diet and exercise, you will lose that BELLY FAT.

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