10 basic steps to setting up your blog

10 basic steps to setting up your blog


It is absolutely essential that you get your blog up and running as quickly as possible. As soon as you realize what specific topic, or niche, you want to write about, start writing. This will help you build a body of work that shows the world that you are an expert in your niche. But if you already have experience in a particular topic and have created a body of work that you have previously written, you should break down that work into a format that is blogging friendly.

Here are ten of the essential basic steps you need to take to get your blog up and running quickly:

1. Open a free WordPress.org blog

Don’t waste your time on any of the other blogging websites. This is by far considered the best and easiest to use that is available. It is very simple to use and has many free plugins available. Most bloggers use this site, so there is a lot of help and advice available on the internet. WordPress.org is self-hosted. WordPress.com is hosted (this means your URL will have the WordPress name attached to its URL).

2. Write your profile and add a face photo

You must think a lot about creating your profile. Use your LinkedIn profile to help you write this. Provide specific information about yourself, but don’t overdo it. Don’t go overboard with being boastful or arrogant. Write several sentences that provide the essential, but relevant, information that a reader might need to determine that you have the relevant experience to write on the topic of your blog. Include a nice photograph of your face.

3. Write your blog posts

Your blog posts can be written on whatever topic you want to write about. Some post will be like a formal essay. Some will be a quick two-sentence tip. But always remember that every post must support your niche. Any information you post on your blog should benefit your readers, your followers.

4. Keep your posts short

Generally, a typical daily post should be at least 400 words and typically no more than 2000 words. Each post must address a specific topic. If your article is longer than this, you can try splitting it into two posts. EzineArticles.com has written some great free ebooks on this that you should read before writing your first blog post.

5. Add an image to each post

Add an image to each post to help make it visually appealing. This image will also be used when another blog or blog publishing service displays your article. The subject of the image does not necessarily have to be directly related to the subject of the post. But it should at least be visually appealing or eye-catching.

6. Use bullets

It is essential that you keep all your posts easy to follow and easy to read. No matter how serious a topic is, you should take the reader by the hand and guide them through your article. This courtesy is not only common, but essential if you expect your readers to continue reading your posts. By having a blog, you are making yourself known to the world and telling people that you want to share information with them and hopefully help them. Show them how much you care about them by really helping them understand what you’re writing about.

7. Add keywords and bold text to each important title and subtitle

This will help search engines know what is important in your article. When a search engine crawls your site, it will give a higher priority to the titles and bold text of each section of your article. This is very easy to do when using WordPress. It will simply be a matter of highlighting the heading text for each paragraph and then clicking the heading button and the bold button.

8. Add Google AdSense ads

This is very easy to do and an easy way to earn extra money from your blog. Don’t expect to make a lot of money from this. It is simply a form of hands-off to help offset the expenses related to maintaining your blog.

9. Promote your blog

You should always be open to finding new ways to promote your blog. This can be as simple as listing your blog on a “blog listing service.” Or use your “Amazon Author Page” as a way to connect with your readers. So far I have found twenty-five legitimate places to promote my blog. And this does not include the websites where I have added comments (only do this on websites and blogs that allow a link to your blog).

10. Improve your blog

This is a never-ending process. You should constantly strive to make your blog look and sound like you know what you’re talking about. This also includes making corrections to your previous posts. Your readers will analyze every word you write. Quickly admit that you made a mistake about something you wrote about, tell them why you made that mistake, and correct it immediately. Readers want to trust you and learn from you. Be sure to give them plenty of reasons to do so.


It still amazes me how many business partners and clients still avoid blogging as a way to promote their business. None of the steps to create a blog is difficult or expensive. It has a learning curve. And it will take several months to fully learn all aspects of blogging and how to do it successfully. But the benefits to you and your business can be enormous.

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