Women – Do you struggle to stay slim? No problem, check this out and get help today.

Women – Do you struggle to stay slim? No problem, check this out and get help today.

Do you struggle to stay slim?

If you answered “yes”, you are NOT alone. Most women struggle to maintain their desired body shape and prevent excess fat from forming, especially on the lower body, belly, and arms.

If you’re like most women, you may look with envy at naturally thin women; and quite possibly a bit of jealousy.

The big secret is that women who have their ideal body weight and fat levels (like most celebrities, for example), know and apply some key strategies that give them that slim and slender figure.

But most of us don’t live in Hollywood. Unfortunately, most of us are genetically designed to gain weight easily. Nature designed our bodies to have beautiful babies.

A fitness associate of mine, an Australian transformation coach, has revealed her secrets to banish cellulite, destroy stubborn female fat, and become firm and dimpl-free, regardless of your age, shape, weight, or genetics. Not only are you sick and tired of it, you probably have an entire closet of baggy clothing designed to cover and hide your ‘saddlebags’, ‘rims’ and ‘bingo arms’.

The good news is that we are going to do something about it. First, let’s lay out the truth about cellulite:

– Many women are confused about what cellulite really is. It is a disease? A special condition or maybe “fat gone wrong”?

It is none of the above. Cellulite is purely an excess of fat.

It is the unique structure of the skin that sits on top of the fat that causes those dreaded lumps and bumps to show. Cellulite is essentially a women’s problem: the infrastructure of a man’s skin is designed differently, so the fat underneath doesn’t appear visibly patchy. Damn lucky ones!

Another thing to know is: You don’t have to be overweight to have cellulite, even women who consider themselves skinny can and often do, so it’s not just an overweight women’s problem. And that’s what makes it even more mysterious. Strange chemicals cause stubborn fat and cellulite to develop and flourish.

Did you know that a recent study of hundreds of non-industrial workers showed that we now have around 100 new chemicals in our blood that were not present 40 years ago?

This can trigger a condition called “estrogen dominance” which is known to cause a number of health problems in women, including persistent fat accumulation, particularly on the hips, thighs and belly.

Is it any wonder you can’t burn fat and get rid of cellulite efficiently after years of toxic buildup?

Here are the simple tricks to living the anti-cellulite lifestyle:

– Maximize your metabolism to burn fat

– Optimize your hormones to melt flab

– The Best Types of Food to Eat (Best of All: They’re Delicious)

– The most effective nutrients to combat cellulite

– The ultimate exercises that shrink and destroy fat cells

Body fat contains two types of adrenoceptors: beta and alpha. These adrenergic receptors control the metabolism of fat cells, as well as the flow of blood into and out of fat cells. Beta receptors promote fat metabolism and alpha receptors block fat metabolism.

Sorry for the scientific writing, let me simplify this: for fat loss, beta receptors are good and alpha receptors are bad. Stubborn fat contains many more alpha receptors than beta receptors. Lower body fat has been found to contain up to 9 times more of the bad (alpha receptors) than the good (beta receptors).

The ability to lose this fat first depends on the ability to move or break down that fat out of cells and into the bloodstream. Once the fat is out of the cells, it still has to be burned; if not, it goes directly back to the fat cells. If you’re like most women, you focus on cardio to burn fat. You think that more and more time must be better. It’s a fair argument, until you understand the facts.

I hate to break it to you, but doing long cardio doesn’t necessarily keep fat and cellulite at bay. In fact, hours of riding a stationary bike or running on the treadmill actually ENCOURAGES the loss of muscle mass and the storage of stubborn fat.

Lean, well-trained muscles are vitally important for creating a nice, balanced figure. Subcutaneous fat remains on top of the muscle, and if the muscle is weak and limp, it will significantly contribute to the “bumpy” effect of cellulite. In addition, the correct exercises positively influence metabolism, which helps to reduce fat cells.

If you have a desk job, you may already suffer from lower back or hip pain. You probably have very weak glutes. It occurs over a period of time due to a combination of things like long periods of sitting, poor posture, incorrect lifting form, and poorly designed workouts.

So if you want to say goodbye to cellulite and stubborn pockets of fat, strategically scheduled exercises in the right COMBINATIONS at the right TIMES are a must. There are 3 big keys that you MUST keep in mind if you want to reduce and eliminate cellulite:

1- Strengthen weak gluteal muscles.

2- Models/Sculpts female lean muscle to create a firm rear end.

3- And attack your core, especially the lower abdominal muscles.

Now, let’s take a closer look at nutrition:

The shocking truth is that many common foods are MORE THAN LIKELY contributing to your cellulite along with your fight to get rid of those stubborn fat cells.

Most of the food is loaded with strange chemicals and preservatives. These chemicals and toxins not only add extra pounds to your waistline, but all that “junk” poisons your system and causes your levels of fat-storing hormones to skyrocket.

Have you heard of BPA? It’s been in the news a lot lately, for all the wrong reasons. This particular toxic chemical is found in polycarbonate plastic, the type of plastic used to make hard drink bottles and food storage containers.

Until now, BPA has been linked to health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and has also been shown to affect reproductive development. But to stick with the topic of what fat loss is, this particular statement issued by the Environmental Agencies sums it up:

“Even low doses of BPA can stimulate both the growth and formation of fat cells.”

There are 3 main nutritional keys to address in the fight to eliminate cellulite and problematic fat deposits.

1- Cleanse, detoxify and balance your internal systems by eating the right foods that allow for superior absorption of nutrition and encourage accelerated fat loss.

2- Maximize energy on your training days to promote lean, sculpted muscle development, increased energy, and better recovery.

3- Boost your sluggish metabolism with the optimal timing of nutrients to ensure continued accelerated fat loss. This is done with a Splurge Day! Physiological is the massive metabolism boost you’ll get, being able to take a mental break from your diet.

The synergistic results are profound, with much more energy and your skin will glow – you will feel 10 years younger as this will ensure clients stay motivated while engaging in proper personal training and fat loss programs so they can change their lives and to live better!… Thank you.

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