sexual immorality in marriage

sexual immorality in marriage

People who commit adultery give their reasons for being sexually immoral, but all of these reasons are wrong and untenable. They are unforgivable:

1 Everyone is doing it. That’s not true, it’s just undisciplined people, ungodly people who are doing it, it’s not everyone, so don’t join the company of reckless people.

2TB feels good. Feeling good about sin is temporary, as you will feel bad later when you start to get the result of your folly.

3 To relieve my wife. Some demonic men do this, claiming that they don’t want to push their wives too hard, so they look for someone to relieve her, and this is totally wrong. Your wife is capable enough to satisfy you, if you make her happy.

4 Bad marriage. Some go out. Claiming that it is a bad marriage that drives them out, that is not true, it is what is originally in your mind that you are doing. In fact, infidelity is a good way to make your marriage worse.

5 My wife makes me do it. Most men blame their wives for adultery, claiming that they committed adultery because their wives do not satisfy them at home. Therefore, they need to be satisfied outside. This is not the truth; the truth is that you are not disciplined.

6 To avoid loneliness. Some people commit adultery by blaming loneliness, but nothing makes one lonelier than sexual immorality, after the thrill and luxury of eight seconds the gravity of your stupidity will be upon you.

7 revenge. Many women enter this, to even accounts with their husbands, who committed adultery; this is also wrong since two wrongs cannot make one right.

8 Curiosity. Some said they entered it to satisfy their curiosity. They want to know how it feels to sleep with another person. How do we describe that? Craziness. Yeah, that’s crazy or how would you describe a man or woman who drinks poison, claiming to want to know what it tastes like.

9 Wants to test fertility. Some men whose wives still trust God for the fruit of the womb go out to test their fertility, this is also wrong.

10 “I Can’t Help It.” You can help yourself, except if you are an animal, sex does not happen by accident, it takes a process, if you follow the process of adultery, you will reap the rewards of sin and destruction.

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