Do I see dead people?

Do I see dead people?

If you are one of the 500,000,000 who use Facebook, you will see dead people every day without even realizing it. Recently, Facebook is asking more and more people to reach out to a long-lost friend with those little friendly birthday reminders and stay in touch. However, today’s Facebook is not the hot site that young people used to have to themselves. Now most family members are connected by Facebook and as we get older the inevitable will happen.

At first, the GenNext crowd used Facebook as a way to communicate and stay out of the mainstream, who knew? Now, with the unstoppable popularity of the sites and the oldest demo, more members are dying and their ghosts are closing in on us. You can even refer a friend, dead or alive! But now that the site is a playground for pretty much everyone from kids to great-grandmothers, Facebook needs a solution on how to find out when someone has died or right?

Those little reminders can be very upsetting, especially when a person is grieving the death of a friend or family member. The site itself admits that they don’t have a solution and are looking for software that will pick up certain words that are used over and over again that might belong to a person passing by. At first, the typical Facebook user was young, and death was rare. Now, however, the 65+ crowd has over 6.5 million new registrations in May alone!

At first, if prompted, Facebook would remove the profile of the dead. However, now with the creation of tribute pages we have a way to keep in touch and deleting a user page is virtually impossible without the correct information. You can contact Facebook with proof of death and they will take it into consideration, but there are no guarantees. However, this is a wonderful opportunity for us mortals, as we now have a way to keep in touch with our friends, in this world or the next.

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