Dance your way to a slimmer body

Dance your way to a slimmer body

Dancing is an ideal aerobic exercise that can help strengthen your heart and slim down your body. Dancing has become increasingly popular in recent years thanks in part to competitive dance television shows on television. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, people can burn up to 400 calories an hour just by dancing. Dr. Weil recommends at least 45 minutes of aerobic exercise five days a week for maximum physical benefit.

Aerobic dance videos are popular exercise aids. The explosion of popularity of Bollywood movies with uplifting music and attractive songs has caught on in America. One of the most popular aerobic dance videos features Bollywood-style choreographed aerobic dance. The music and movement are non-stop for a fun weight loss exercise. Constant movement increases your heart rate and keeps it elevated throughout your workout for maximum aerobic benefit. A professional fitness trainer guides you through the video workout. Before beginning a dance aerobic exercise, stretch your muscles to help prevent injuries such as a strained muscle.

Local community organizations and gyms frequently provided dance aerobics and dance classes. If you like to work out in a group, taking dance classes is a fun way to work out, burn calories, slim down your body, and learn new dance moves. Faster dances, like jazz and hip hop dance classes, can help you burn up to 300 calories an hour for fast weight loss. You will also work all of your major muscle groups. Ballet classes can provide stretching exercises that will increase your flexibility while trimming and toning your muscles.

Ballroom dancing is very popular in the United States following shows like Dancing with the Stars. Some gyms have responded by providing dance instruction. The popularity of ballroom dancing has sparked renewed interest in fitness dances like salsa, cha-cha, and other high-energy ballroom dances that can help you burn calories for weight loss. Ballroom dancing is a weight-bearing exercise activity that can help increase bone strength and density. As your strength increases and your weight decreases, you’ll also notice a marked improvement in balance and coordination.

Combine a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of rest with dance aerobics to maximize your fitness and weight loss potential. You can burn calories, trim your body and dance to a slimmer and healthier shape in a few weeks or a couple of months. You will experience increased strength and also have more energy. You don’t have to join a club or buy a video to enjoy the benefits of aerobic dance exercise. Turn on the radio or play your favorite music CD and dance your way to a slimmer body.


Andrew Weil, MD

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