Contagious Skin Rashes and What to Watch Out For

Contagious Skin Rashes and What to Watch Out For

There are many viruses, particularly those prevalent in children, that cause contagious rashes. These contagious rashes can be spread by person-to-person contact and some can also be transmitted through the air. There are also bacterial rashes that are passed from person to person, as well as rashes caused by parasites, such as scabies, that are easily transmitted. Let’s see some below:

Chickenpox is a highly contagious virus that often affects children under 12 years of age. It can also affect people of any age. The main symptoms include hundreds of red, itchy blisters that cover the entire body. Chickenpox is caused by the herpes family of viruses, and the same virus can cause shingles in adults. In addition to the rash, it can also produce symptoms such as high fever, headaches, stomach aches, as well as a noticeable loss of appetite. You can reduce the risk of getting chickenpox by getting an immunization shot, however, those who have been vaccinated are known to still get a mild dose if they have been exposed to another infected person. It is usually a benign virus, although uncomfortable. However, it can lead to complications in a minority of cases. Anyone who thinks they are suffering from chicken pox should seek medical advice from their local health care provider.

Measles, also known as rubella, can be a very serious infection. Measles continues to be responsible for thousands of deaths around the world each year, even with the availability of vaccines. It is highly contagious and is spread through contact with fluids from an infected person. It is usually spread by coughing or sneezing. Measles produces a red rash, but they are not contagious rashes, as the virus spreads through airborne contact. There is a vaccine available that also covers mumps and is known as MMR jab (measles, mumps, and rubella). Some parents have been reluctant to allow their children to have this due to concerns about a possible association with autism. However, this has not been tested. The reduced volume of immunization has led to an increase in these conditions in some areas, which has become a major concern as they can be fatal at worst.

Pain symptoms include rash, fever, cough, bloodshot eyes, sensitivity to light, and muscle pain. It is recommended to rest and drink fluids to stay hydrated. As a child he was seriously ill from this and ironically the vaccine came out a year later!

Scabies is another contagious rash that can be spread at preschools, day care centers, schools, and camps. It is caused by invisible mites that burrow under the skin and reproduce. The itching is quite uncomfortable and a prescription pesticide permethrin treatment should be applied to the skin overnight. Parasites can also be in bedding and clothing, and everything should be washed on high heat or bagged to prevent further infection. Antihistamines are used to help with itching symptoms. Fortunately, permethrin treatment is highly effective and will eradicate the mites.

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