Collie Training Tips You Can Use

Collie Training Tips You Can Use

How you train your collie depends on what you want him to do. You will definitely want him to behave well, be obedient, know basic manners and communication. Some of you may also want him to know tricks and therapies as well. Regardless of what you want your Collie to do, you need to provide it with the proper training.

To do this, you can hire a professional trainer who has a lot of experience training all types of dogs. But a better option will be to train your Collie yourself, especially if you don’t want him to be trained with a very special and specific ability. You have a huge advantage here because Collies are one of the easiest dog breeds to train. They have a lot of strength and energy. Their intelligence is accompanied by a desire in them to please their masters. You won’t have to be strict with them. They even respond to your voice and body language.

You can consult books and the Internet for tips on how to train your Collie. Here are some techniques to help you.

Always maintain your position as the leader of the pack or else your collie will tend to be rebellious. To do this, you will have to impose certain restrictions and rules. Don’t pamper him unnecessarily. Do certain things, like walking through doors or eating or sitting, before your dog does. This will make him believe that you are the leader and that he should respect you and your family members.

Use certain words repeatedly to denote specific actions. Have a firm voice but not too loud or abusive. You should also combine your words with signs using your hand. Using hand signals can be very beneficial if you are training your collie for a show. It will respond to you even from a distance when it cannot hear your voice. But it is also important that you respect your Collie.

Be reasonable and don’t be too harsh. You have your pet not to send it, but because you really like it and want to have it. Give your Collie plenty of time and punish him only when you catch him doing something wrong. In addition to this, you should also reward him for his good work.

After all this, it is important to know that your Collie training depends not only on training techniques. It also depends on the time you spend with your Collie and the patience you have with him. The more patient you are, the better and faster your dog’s training process will be.

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