Botox and Dermal Filler Training

Botox and Dermal Filler Training

Dermal Filler Training

A medical professional can learn to perform a variety of botox and dermal filler injections by attending an AAFE facial injectable training course. The AAFE is a leader in training aesthetic practitioners and offers botox training courses across the country. The cost of the course varies depending on the location, but is typically less than $500.

AAFE offers a comprehensive, hands-on training program. The course includes a combination of university-level critical theoretical pre-course learning, a demonstration of procedures, and extensive hands-on training with real patients. The course is designed for registered nurses and physicians who want to expand their practice services by adding facial injections.

The course begins with a thorough review of the anatomy of the face and skin. Then, attendees learn how to assess and select a patient for a facial injection, prepare the injection site, and administer botox and dermal filler training and other FDA-approved products. The course also covers the use of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, such as Juvederm.

Botox and Dermal Filler Training

Attendees will learn to treat the following areas: Upper Face – Worry Lines (Glabellar Complex), Forehead Traverse Rhytids, Crows Feet, and Lateral Canthal Rhytids. Lower Face – Excessive Gingival Display, Sad Smile, Hypertrophic Platysma Bands, Bunny Lines, Vertical Lip Rhytids and X-shaped Chin (mentalis). In addition to a variety of common aesthetic indications for the Botox procedure, this course will cover the medical uses for Botulinum Toxin including Bruxism and Hyperhidrosis.

In the hands-on component of the course, each participant will be able to perform injections on live models. Models will be injected with either saline or the actual product (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport and Jeuveau) that they will purchase onsite at Empire’s cost. Attendees will also receive an in-depth manual with illustrations, as well as the essential office documents and templates needed to establish a cosmetic medicine practice (aesthetic consultation forms, treatment forms, patient consent forms).

The hands-on portion of the course includes the renowned DentoX Lift technique, allowing physicians to dramatically enhance jawline and cheekbone aesthetics through only the use of cosmetic injections. Students will be able to implement this unique technique into their own practices upon graduation.

Unlike some other cosmetic training courses, PracticalCME’s Botox and Dermal Filler Training courses are limited to only eight participants per class. This allows the instructor to provide individualized instruction and share years of expertise. The course is also comprehensive, with each attendee receiving a copy of the online course materials that they can read and review as often as they wish for 2 full years. This ensures that the material is understood and retained prior to the hands-on training. Each attendee will also receive their own individual syringe of hyaluronic acid dermal Fillers to inject on the day of the hands-on class. Additional syringes may be purchased if desired.

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