Heel pain and its relationship with the problem of yeast infections: how I got rid of heel pain

Heel pain and its relationship with the problem of yeast infections: how I got rid of heel pain

Have you experienced heel pain? Let me tell you my story a long time ago! I went through the most horrible pain in my left heel for a long time. I went to 2 different doctors and talked to many different people, no one could help. No one had any idea what was causing the pain, except to say it might be a heel spur and I should buy some different shoes. Oh, okay. But he could barely walk, and each day was agony trying to get through.

Also, at the same time I had horrible chronic fatigue issues, terrible joint and muscle pain that forced me to take naps almost every day. On top of that, I’m overweight and I really like to walk for exercise, but the red hot sore heel problem and fatigue made that impossible, and oh my God, I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so frustrated, sad, desperate and helpless in all my life!

After about a year of this agony, some kind of miracle appeared. Since she was starting to have terrible yeast infection problems, she knew he had to give up bread. That was very difficult for me, like chocolate or tobacco for some people. So I stopped making my wheat bread in my bread maker and stopped eating bread altogether. And KAZAM, no more heel pain. It was like a miracle, because I had never been so close to disability.

It was at this time that I discovered that I had a wheat allergy, but only with brown bread and brown rice. I allow myself a little white bread in the bread maker because it helps me a lot with my digestive problems, but only a little.

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