Corn Snakes As Pets: The Pros And Cons

Corn Snakes As Pets: The Pros And Cons

Pet owners have made snakes one of the most popular exotic pets. One snake in particular that is popular with beginners is the corn snake. They can be selectively bred, which means they come in all sorts of different colors and patterns, making this a very interesting animal to own.

One of the obvious advantages of owning a corn snake is the fact that it is non-venomous and rarely bites its owner. Even if he does bite, his teeth are so small that you probably won’t notice. It is a very docile animal and generally does not mind being handled by humans. When you decide to buy the first one, you should spend a lot of time on it since they can live up to 20 years. However, they do not grow very large, usually no more than 4 feet long.

One thing to be careful about when creating a home for pet snakes is that there are no places for the snake to get out of, as they are brilliant escape artists. Make sure his cage is large enough and has a tight-fitting lid. Every time you remove the lid, make sure you put it back on securely, as they can push on it to escape. Also, the cage should contain somewhere the snake can hide, such as a box, that makes it feel safe.

Feeding a corn snake can be the most interesting part and not for the squeamish. They generally live off mice or small rats that have already been euthanized. Be sure not to feed too large a rat to smaller snakes, as it will be difficult for them to eat. Also, they only need to be fed once a week. One of the downsides of feeding dead mice and rats to your snake is that you have to keep them frozen, so make sure everyone in the household is happy with that.

Like all living things, your pet snake will need water to survive. A container of water, which the snake cannot spill, is ideal. Also make sure the water is changed regularly. This type of snake is a hardy species and will not get sick easily, making it a very profitable exotic pet. They both eat well and shed their skin well, which some captive snakes have trouble with.

Although an exotic pet might be expected to be a good companion and have a relationship with its owner, this is not the case with snakes. Unlike dogs and other pets, they won’t respond to you and may not always appreciate the attention you give them.

Even with that shortcoming, the corn snake can make a very good exotic pet for first-time owners. The many different patterns and colors make them unique. They are extremely easy to care for and seem to enjoy being handled. A great advantage is that they will not bite your hand or poison you like other snakes or exotic animals.

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