Copyright is dead! Long live the Copyright!

Copyright is dead! Long live the Copyright!

Infringement. File sharing. Piracy. Falsification. Plagiarism.

Whatever you call it, the theft of copyrighted material is nearly impossible to control in our ever-expanding and growing digital age. In fact, there is a widespread belief that technology has made copyright unenforceable.

Take the entertainment industry, for example:

While all school-age children are taught the dangers of plagiarism from printed materials when they write their first trimester assignments, many of these same children are some of the biggest offenders who believe that Internet file sharing of their music Favorite is simply due to being fans of this or that rock or rap group.

Tea music industry, Of course, he has been fighting back vigorously with numerous lawsuits, many of which target these same young people. And while it appears that some progress has been made, the reality is that the problem is so huge, it renders copyrights for music artists useless. While it is possible to bring some control to the internet, with just a little internet knowledge and searching, you can find and download programs that can be used to “unlock” the various security features built into all music and video CDs. With that type of tool, it is possible to hack this type of intellectual property without leaving a trace on the Internet.

As musicians photographers They are finding that anyone with minimal skill and the right software can alter the original image and use it on websites, restricted broadcasts, and the like. In an interesting twist, a Florida photo printing lab refused to print an amateur photographer’s digital photos because they looked too professional, and lab managers feared doing so might violate someone’s copyright. On the nastier side, phone cameras are now being used to clandestinely copy and use everything from driver’s licenses to copyrighted artwork.

Writers they are equally concerned. For example, Google recently announced its intention to bring the libraries of four major universities online to make previously inaccessible material available to researchers. The outcry from the publishing industry, professional associations, and even one country (France) was immediate, loud, and negative. While the copyrights for many of the works have expired, critics say the effort could have financially worrisome results.

So is copyright really “dead”, a pointless exercise in the digital age? Should the creator of intellectual property assume that his right to benefit from his creative product has been lost?

While no clear solutions have yet emerged, the important thing to know is that both digital gurus and legislators in various countries are developing technology and updating laws to ensure that all types of works remain protected. We also recommend that you pay close attention to how this problem continues to develop and develop. Do your own Internet search to find and bookmark blogs, discussion groups, and websites that act as copyright “watchdogs.” Then visit often and pass on what you learn to your own professional groups and colleagues. One final warning: be sure to consult your intellectual property attorney if you have any concerns or questions.

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